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It's that time of the year where the dream evening is with some popcorn, a snuggly blanket and a comforting movie! Well since it’s been nearly 25 years since the first Harry Potter film came out, why not watch one of the most popular film franchises of all time?

Whether you’re a fan of the books or just the movies here are allll the films ranked (using Rotten Tomatoes 🍅, IMDb ⭐ and Google reviews)!

8. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Plot: Despite witnessing an event that could change both the wizarding world and muggle world alike, Harry and Dumbledore’s warnings are ignored by the Ministry who attempt to take over control of the school. As a result, Harry and his friends take matters into their own hands!

Review: Friendship, bravery and loss taint this film but in such a masterful way. As the turning point for the rest of the films, this movie sets the scene seamlessly blending drama, fantasy and adventure together!

Rating: 🍅 78% ⭐7.5 Google: 4.7/5

7. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Daniel Radcliff in Harry Potter

Plot: In this movie, Harry Potter once again heads back to Hogwarts, however, it soon becomes very clear that there are sinister forces at play. With a kind but slightly dangerous house-elf Dobby, combined with his arch nemesis Draco Malfoy and a rubbish teacher, Gilderoy Lockhart, Harry has his work cut out. But, things take a fatal turn when he starts to hear voices and students are hurt, and it’s up to Harry, Ron and Hermione to once again save everyone!

Review: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets takes the beautiful world from the first film and adds a slightly darker more sinister twist. Very quickly we are propelled from the happy and joyful life of the magical world to one of vengeance and murder. Not necessarily a bad thing, but it just doesn’t quite live up to the standard of the other films. There might be a reason this was the last film to try and fit everythinggg from the books in!

Rating: 🍅82 % ⭐7.4 Google: 4.7/5

6. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Daniel Radcliff in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Plot: With stakes higher than ever and Lord Voldemort finally making his move to control the wizarding world, Harry, Ron and Hermione make the decision not to return to Hogwarts and instead embark on the difficult mission that may mean the end of Voldemort! 

Review: Claimed by some to be a bit slower-paced than the other movies, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 is just as dark but very intense as the plot builds up to the big finale!

Rating: 🍅 77% ⭐ 7.7 Google: 4.8/5 

5. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Plot: From minute one, the scene is set and you’re transported to world where humans can turn into animals, where magic is real and life is full of mysteries! This first film sees young Harry Potter suddenly absorbed into the world of magic, meeting friends, learning spells and, of course, joining the Quidditch team! Despite a magical start to the year, Harry soon finds a big plot at play and along with his new friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, they do their best to stop the mysterious villain!

Review: In fifth place is the film that began it all! Right from the start, you can’t help but be immediately immersed in the wizarding world! From the renowned scenery and costumes to the excellent casting and wonderful post-production. This movie set the scene for a franchise that can never be forgotten! 

Rating:  🍅 80% ⭐7.7 Google: 4.8/5

4. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Daniel Radcliff in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Plot: From the get-go, this film sees dark forces at work. With Voldemort gaining more followers and growing stronger by the day, Harry and Dumbledore work together to piece together his past and attempt to discover how to defeat him once and for all! 

Review: Known as the film that reallyyyy opens our eyes to the harsh realities of a world with Voldemort, we see the plot thicken and a clear departure from the safe and protected world inside Hogwarts, to the dark and menacing world outside. 

Rating:  🍅 83% ⭐7.6 Google: 4.7/5

3. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Daniel Radcliff in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Plot: As Harry enters his fourth year at Hogwarts, he finds himself once again facing dangers on all fronts, from the Tri-Wizard Tournament, to the return of the death eaters and the possibility of Lord Voldemort’s return, he certainly has an interesting year ahead of him! 

Review: We are not surprised to see this in the top 3 as it's truly is one of the best! Darkness descends in a way not previously seen in the films as the wider wizarding world outside of Hogwarts is introduced, and it does it very very well giving us a good taste of what’s to come in the following films! 

Rating: 🍅 88% ⭐7.7 Google: 4.7/5

2. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Prison of Azkaban

Plot: The trio return to Hogwarts in this slightly slower-paced third instalment! After another dull and dismal summer with the Dursleys, Harry returns to Hogwarts to discover notorious mass murderer Sirius Black is on the run. This sets the scene for the riveting journey he goes down, that’s as much one of self-discovery as a battle for good and evil.  

Review: Rightly, in second place, The Prisoner of Azkaban is loved for not being too long but having everything that's needed from the books!

Rating: 🍅 90% ⭐7.9 Google: 4.8/5

1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt2

Plot: After escaping, Harry, Ron and Hermione continue their search for the Horcruxes, finally finding themselves once again at the gates to Hogwarts! With teachers and students alike uniting, the final battle begins!

Review: It's unsurprising to see this rank in first place with so many captivating moments, this movie makes its stand right from the start. From battling with a dragon to the whole of Hogwarts uniting against evil this movie is everything you could've wanted from a finale, and moreeee!

Ranking: 🍅 96% ⭐8.1 Google: 4.9/5

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