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We’re very much fans of dramas and comedies at Freely (to be honest we just love all TV) but Steven Moffat’s drama about one half of a TV news couple – Douglas (Hugh Bonneville) has humour and drama in all the right places for us, so it’s ticking A LOT of boxes.

Hugh Bonneville as Douglas Bellowes and Karen Gillan as Madeline in Douglas is Cancelled

With that in mind, of course, we tell you all about it so you can make sure you’re watching the show that eeeeeveryone’s talking about! Here’s everything you need to know about ITV’s new hit comedy-drama (don’t worry, we promise there’s no spoilers!)…

What is Douglas is Cancelled about?

Imagine this: you crack a risque joke at a wedding, and suddenly the internet erupts. That's the world of ITV's new four-part dark comedy Douglas Is Cancelled. Set in the cutthroat world of TV news, where beloved anchor Douglas Bellowes (played by Hugh Bonneville, you know, the guy from Downton Abbey?) seems untouchable. He's got a fancy life, a sharp wife – Sheila (Alex Kingston) who runs a newspaper, and, as a national treasure, everyone loves him. But behind the scenes Douglas relies way more than anyone realises on his younger, tech-savvy co-anchor Madeline (Karen Gillan, from Doctor Who!). She's got two million followers online, and seems to have Douglas wrapped around her finger.

Then, disaster strikes! Douglas makes a bad joke that gets leaked online, and everything goes haywire. Social media explodes, his career hangs by a thread, and suddenly Dougas is left questioning who his real friends are. Can he trust his agent? His co-workers? Even Madeline, who seems to hold all the cards with her online influence? Is she secretly plotting his downfall, or is there more to the story? Who knowwwsssss??

Who's in it?

The cast of Douglas is Cancelled includes an impressive lineup of talent:

Nick Mohammed as Morgan, Ben Miles as Toby, Simon Russell Beale as Bently Cassok, Hugh Bonneville as Douglas, Karen Gillan as Madeline and Alex Kingston as Sheila in Douglas is Cancelled
  • Hugh Bonneville (Downton Abbey) – stars as Douglas Bellowes
  • Karen Gillan (Doctor Who, Jumani)  – as Madeline
  • Alex Kingston (A Discovery of Witches, Doctor Who) – Sheila Bellowes
  • Ben Miles (The Capture, Napoleon)– Toby
  • Nick Mohammed (Ted Lasso, The Martian – Morgan
  • Simon Russell Beale (Thor: Love and Thunder) – Bently Cassok

Watch the trailer:

Looks good doesn't it? But don't just take our word for it...

The Guardian: "Fast, Funny and absolutely Furious'"

 The Times: "This subject has been crying out to be skewered on telly'"

Chris Evans on Virgin Radio: "Episode 1 is absolutely hilarious, and it's disturbing and it's clever... with Steven Moffat you wouldn't expect anything less" 

Heat: "Moffat's ingenious, relentlessly surprising and witty script is constantly pulling the rug from under us..."

Financial Times: "Moffat makes demands of the viewer by refusing to provide easy answers"

Variety "Tackles the ‘Heated Topic’ of ‘Cancel Culture’ With Dark Humor" "particular blend of comedy and darkness"

  • Daily Mail – 5⭐
  • London Evening Standard – 5⭐
  • Heat – 5⭐
  • The Times  – 4⭐
  • Guardian – 4⭐

Where can I watch Douglas is Cancelled?

We thought you'd never ask! You can get stuck in and stream all four episodes now on ITVX and STV Player in Scotland.

Whether you're a fan of comedy-drama or interested in the hot-button issue of cancel culture, this series promises to deliver a thought-provoking and entertaining viewing experience. Want to get more of the latest TV news and must-see shows? Sign up to our newsletter to get all the goss, hot off The Freely Press.